I had this idea presented to me back when the Ogres had been out for some time. The current range of Ogryns by GW are quite... inadequate, and the plastic Warhammer Ogres look suitably menacing. All that is needed is a bit of Futurification and Imperialisation to make far nicer models. One of the main challenges was to do something about that stupid belly plate that the Ogres have, which when removed leaves a gaping hole right in the middle of the chest. As you can see, this was overcome by sculpting on the rest of the pants, a belt and either a bare abdomen or a singlet, similar to that of the Catachans. The boots were also remodelled slightly to make them look less like clogs and pockets were added on the pants, also like Catachans. Weapons and the like are immediately obvious.
I'm not particularly happy with the paintjob on the two half-painted ones, but hopefully I can fix this up in the future.
The most complicated conversion is the one holding the shotgun/rifle in both hands, this required extensive arm, hand and torso reposing and sculpting. It came out alright in the end, although I am still adding to this model.
Next will be another bare-chested Ogryn, this one with a beefed up Heavy Stubber. After that, I plan to do a Commissar, complete with trenchcoat and hat. Still deciding whether this should be proper sized or humerously small.